function toggleBlinkingArrows() { var arrowOne = document.getElementById('arrowOne'); var arrowTwo = document.getElementById('arrowTwo'); var arrowThree = document.getElementById('arrowThree'); var arrowFour = document.getElementById('arrowFour'); arrowOne.classList.toggle('hidden'); arrowTwo.classList.toggle('hidden'); arrowThree.classList.toggle('hidden'); arrowFour.classList.toggle('hidden'); } var arrowOne = document.getElementById('arrowOne'); if ((arrowOne !== null)) { setInterval(toggleBlinkingArrows, 500); // Adjust the interval (in milliseconds) as desired } function toggleMobileNav() { var mobileNavOpen = document.getElementById('mobileNavOpen'); var mobileNavClose = document.getElementById('mobileNavClose'); var mobileMenu = document.getElementById('mobile-menu'); if (mobileNavOpen.classList.contains('hidden')) { mobileNavOpen.classList.add('block'); mobileNavOpen.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { mobileNavOpen.classList.add('hidden'); mobileNavOpen.classList.remove('block'); } if (mobileNavClose.classList.contains('hidden')) { mobileNavClose.classList.add('block'); mobileNavClose.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { mobileNavClose.classList.add('hidden'); mobileNavClose.classList.remove('block'); } if (mobileMenu.classList.contains('hidden')) { mobileMenu.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { mobileMenu.classList.add('hidden'); } } function toggleSideNav() { var sideMenu = document.getElementById('sideMenu'); sideMenu.classList.toggle('w-0'); sideMenu.classList.toggle('h-0'); // First var sideAnim = document.getElementById('sideAnim'); sideAnim.classList.toggle('hidden'); if (sideAnim.classList.contains('opacity-0')) { sideAnim.classList.add('opacity-100'); sideAnim.classList.remove('opacity-0'); } else { sideAnim.classList.add('opacity-0'); sideAnim.classList.remove('opacity-100'); } // Second var sideAnim2 = document.getElementById('sideAnim2'); if (sideAnim2.classList.contains('-translate-x-full')) { sideAnim2.classList.add('translate-x-0'); sideAnim2.classList.remove('-translate-x-full'); } else { sideAnim2.classList.add('-translate-x-full'); sideAnim2.classList.remove('translate-x-0'); } // Third var sideAnim3 = document.getElementById('sideAnim3'); if (sideAnim3.classList.contains('opacity-0')) { sideAnim3.classList.add('opacity-100'); sideAnim3.classList.remove('opacity-0'); } else { sideAnim3.classList.add('opacity-0'); sideAnim3.classList.remove('opacity-100'); } // Fourth var sideAnim4 = document.getElementById('sideAnim4'); if (sideAnim4.classList.contains('opacity-0')) { sideAnim4.classList.add('opacity-100'); sideAnim4.classList.remove('opacity-0'); } else { sideAnim4.classList.add('opacity-0'); sideAnim4.classList.remove('opacity-100'); } } function showToast(title, message, type, timeout = 3000) { const toast = document.getElementById('toast'); document.getElementById('toast-title').innerText = title; document.getElementById('toast-text').innerText = message; //set the toast type document.getElementById('error').classList.add('hidden'); document.getElementById('confirmed').classList.add('hidden'); document.getElementById('info').classList.add('hidden'); document.getElementById('warning').classList.add('hidden'); document.getElementById(type).classList.remove('hidden'); //then show the one we want toast.classList.remove('translate-y-2', 'opacity-0', 'sm:translate-y-0', 'sm:translate-x-2'); toast.classList.add('translate-y-0', 'opacity-100', 'sm:translate-x-0', 'ease-out'); //make sure to cancel the timout if showtoast is called again clearTimeout(window.toastTimeout); window.toastTimeout = setTimeout(function () { hideToast(); }, timeout); } // returns boolean function signupCheck(username, email, password, passwordConfirm) { if (password !== passwordConfirm) { passwordConfirm.value = ''; showToast('Passwords do not match', 'The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again.', 'error') return false; } if (!document.querySelector('#link-checkbox').checked) { showToast('Terms and Conditions', 'You must agree to the terms and conditions to create an account.', 'error') return false; } if (username.length < 3) { showToast('Username too short', 'Your username must be at least 3 characters long.', 'error') return false; } if (password.length < 8) { showToast('Password too short', 'Your password must be at least 8 characters long.', 'error') return false; } if (password.length > 64) { showToast('Password too long', 'Your password must be less than 64 characters long.', 'error') return false; } if (email.length > 128) { showToast('Email too long', 'Your email must be less than 128 characters long.', 'error') return false; } if (username.length > 16) { showToast('Username too long', 'Your username must be less than 16 characters long.', 'error') return false; } if (hasWhiteSpace(username)) { showToast('Username contains spaces', 'Your username must not contain any spaces.', 'error') return false; } if (hasWhiteSpace(password)) { showToast('Password contains spaces', 'Your password must not contain any spaces.', 'error') return false; } if (hasWhiteSpace(email)) { showToast('Email contains spaces', 'Your email must not contain any spaces.', 'error') return false; } if (!validateEmail(email)) { showToast('Invalid email', 'The email you entered is invalid. Please try again.', 'error') return false; } if (!hasSpecialCharacter(password)) { showToast('Password missing special character', 'Your password must contain at least one special character.', 'error') return false; } if (!hasDigitOrUppercase(password)) { showToast('Password missing number', 'Your password must contain at least one number.', 'error') return false; } return true; } function hideToast() { const toast = document.getElementById('toast'); toast.classList.remove('translate-y-0', 'opacity-100', 'sm:translate-x-0', 'ease-out'); toast.classList.add('translate-y-2', 'opacity-0', 'sm:translate-y-0', 'sm:translate-x-2'); } function hasSpecialCharacter(password) { const pattern = /[!@#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>]/; return pattern.test(password); } function hasDigitOrUppercase(string) { return /[0-9A-Z]/.test(string); } function hasWhiteSpace(string) { return /\s/g.test(string); } function validateEmail(email) { const pattern = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/; return pattern.test(email); } function toggleFAQ(faqId, clickedButton) { const faqContent = document.getElementById(faqId); const allFAQs = document.querySelectorAll('.faqContent'); const svg = clickedButton.querySelector('.faq-arrow'); const isCurrentlyOpen = faqContent.classList.contains('show'); // Immediately adjust max-height for the current FAQ for a smoother transition if (!isCurrentlyOpen) { // Opening: Set max-height to scrollHeight directly for a smooth open animation const scrollHeight = faqContent.scrollHeight; = scrollHeight + "px"; // Use the content's actual height for transition // Need to allow the browser to recognize the starting state requestAnimationFrame(() => { faqContent.classList.add('show'); }); } else { // Closing: Transition from current max-height to 0 = `${faqContent.scrollHeight}px`; requestAnimationFrame(() => { = '0'; }); } // Close all other FAQs and reset their arrows, ensuring a smooth transition for them as well allFAQs.forEach((content) => { if (content !== faqContent) { content.classList.remove('show'); content.previousElementSibling.querySelector('.faq-arrow').classList.remove('rotate-90'); // Apply a smooth transition to 0 for other content sections = `${content.scrollHeight}px`; requestAnimationFrame(() => { = '0'; }); } }); // Toggle arrow rotation for the current FAQ if (!isCurrentlyOpen) { svg.classList.add('rotate-90'); } else { // Allow for the closing animation to start smoothly before removing the class requestAnimationFrame(() => { faqContent.classList.remove('show'); svg.classList.remove('rotate-90'); }); } }